Illustration Friday – Space

Phoebe needed some space. Everything had become too crazy, too messy, too much so she jumped in her car and drove far away. In fact, she drove to the only place she knew where there was enough space to think... Mars. At last, surrounded by nothing but eerie silence and infinite spaciousness, she sat down in the middle of nowhere and took it all in (like a lizard sunbaking...). Finally she had some breathing space... sigh. This was the place to be.

Space - it was so tempting to add things to the background but seeing as the IF topic was space - I managed to refrain. Don't know about you but Phoebe reminds me of a frilled necked lizard basking in the sun. Maybe its where she's meant to be...


  1. A perfect pose for bathing in the sun or on some alien landscape? Her shadow is really great. Love that vivid background and the way the sky has a subtly different texture than the ground. I hope she has some water hidden in that hair or somewhere!

    1. Thanks Cindy - yeah it could be an alien landscape - that would suit Phoebe just fine! x

  2. I can feel the warmth, the heat really, but she likes it. This illustration combines suspension and peacefulness. Sun bathing on an other planet. The shadow and the background are great. Simple but strong.

    1. Thanks Hedwig. Phoebe is definitely 'on another planet' in her head so that would make sense?! Thanks for the insight. x

  3. Looks like it's a little hot...but sure looks like she's enjoying her space!

    1. Thanks Elizabeth - think I'm just sick of the cold weather... x


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